Where is the car?

Shady B*tch, episode 7.
Acrylic on paper, A3.

Los Ninos

Poster / Artwork for Los Ninos.
(next party> 11 october 2014
Recyclart, Brussels.)

Digital vs Paper

'Digital vs Paper' 
For Demorgen
Also: See you this weekend in Brussels at Cultures Maison 5,
where some of my work  will be on display in the Bries-expo… it's FREE! 

Bries expo:
12/09/2014 to 21/09/2014 at the Maison des Cultures de Saint-Gilles.
with Dieter VDO, Martha Verschaffel, Wide Vercnocke, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Olivier Schrauwen, Piet and Jan Pollet, Kai Pfeiffer, Dominique Goblet, and Céline Hudréaux.

more here: http://culturesmaison.be/en/expositions
and here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1453950951551928/?fref=ts

New Entertainment

Cover and illustrations
For Demorgen, Media.com

Shady B*tch

Episode 5.
Acrylic on paper, A3.


I am in HOPITAL BRUT 10, 
an amazing book published by Le Dernier Cri.
 312 pages / 21x29,5cm / 1000 ex / 69euros / JUIN 2014-06-24 
Lots of great artists in it!
You can buy it here: http://www.lederniercri.org/shop/
More pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/badkito/sets/72157645460882471