Sweet Spoils

Joan Cornellá, Sean Norvet, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Robert Beatty, Joe Tallarico, Sarah Rose Niemiec, MarĂ­a Melero, Angela Dalinger, Alex Jenkins, Rebecca Ness, Nate Otto, Brandon Celi, Jason Davis, Ben Moss, David Alvarado, Jim Ether

Aug 26 - Oct 1, 2016
MIISHKOOKI art space
4517 Oakton - Skokie, IL  60076
Show opening on August 26th from 7-10pm
more at: http://www.miishkooki.com

Writing Music

Illustration for Rough Trade magazine #5, august 2016.
I illustrate the monthly column 'Ask Jonathan',
by the brilliant Jonathan Richman.
Thanks to Liv Siddall.